A Little About Me

Hi! My name is Albie 

I'm a sailor...

 ...and internet marketer. 

Here's my wife Janette in Hawaii: 

Here's us...

Here's my business partner below...

This is my business partner Elizabeta Kuzevska
& myself, Albie Derbyshire

in one of our programs called:
"Steps to Six Figures".

I want to share with you something that was life changing for us
and many of our team too. It has the same potential for you also.

But first we want to get to know you
better and introduce ourselves!

Albie's Story: 

20 years / Kindergarten Teacher

Kids in my class.

Teacher video here

My Hobby: Sailing & Hiking

Elizabeta's Story

Worked in Finance

Loves: Helping people have a healthy lifestyle.

Our Story: 

My seven figure mentor Alan Cosens

Let me share with you a quote that changed our lives:

Alright, so first it's our goal to be honest with you as we do not want
to make you go through the pain we did getting scammed over and over again.

So take a second to really think about this quote and see how it
differs from so many other peoples advice. It's all about really digging 
in to find the answers. It's not about finding magic or luck in
getting rich fast schemes.

Making money consistently online has EVERYTHING to do
with developing real skills in online marketing. This is the KEY! 

Want to join our team? 
Find out more here:

 Click Here To Begin Achieving Your Dream! 


We will be here to help you if you want to learn
how to change your life working online...
...just contact us below.


Have Questions? Connect with us here

We look forward to working with you! 

Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692